Added some details - eyelids wrinkles - Though my machine is starting to fall over, so I will leave him alone for now- may pose him and texture map him for portfolio.
WIP of stylised warthog model- Low poly base mesh from an old game mesh I had laying around- though I think I do need to push the model loads more - need to look at some extravegant sculptures of MAD PIGS!!! on the web - though its seems difficult to find a good front on view of a warthog-hence none in the WIP image above.
- Got my version of MudBox v1- WOOT!
Beta version of MudBox expires tonight I hope I get my legit copy soon (Hurrah for credit cards) -though this sketch will ahve to be the last laboured one I do.As the next one will have to be a lot quicker as a sketch otherwise - I wont have as mutch time in the evenings as "crunch time" is now apon us at work.
And the game we are working on needs loads of animation -so modeling stuff will have to take a back seat- for while.
Just finishing him off, I'm not going to do any more on him, gotta move onto other sketches once I am more confidant in Mudbox I will get more detailed -besides its supposed to be asketch... anyway Hope to post another mudbox portrait sketch by the end on this week.
Some older 3D sketches/WIPS done in Mudbox

Gangster Sketch
Monster Sketch
I will be doing some 2D stuff to soo I promise... JAK